


柴庚,565net必赢官方网565net必赢官方网讲师。陕西省量子通信产业协会会员,565net必赢官方网量子信息技术实验室核心成员。2018-2020年在上海交通大学区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室交流学习。近年来主要围绕自由空间连续变量量子密钥分发、量子安全直接通信、量子信息处理开展了广泛的研究。相关代表性成果在New Journal of Physics、Physical Review A、Quantum Engineering国际权威期刊上发表。其中,对于自由空间连续变量量子密钥分发盲估计研究的工作获得了Quantum Engineering 2020 Highlight论文。目前担任New Journal of PhysicsQuantum Information Processing、IEEE Communications Letters等国际期刊审稿人。

Ø 联系邮箱:chai.geng@nwu.edu.cn

Ø 联系地址:565net必赢官方网长安校区565net必赢官方网218室


Ø 代表性论文

[1] Chai G., Huang P., Cao Z.-W., and Zeng G.-H. Suppressing excess noise for atmospheric continuous-variable quantum key distribution via adaptive optics approach[J]. New Journal of Physics, 2020, 22(10): 103009.

[2] Chai G., Cao Z.-W., Liu W.-Q., Wang S.-Y., Huang P., and Zeng G.-H. Parameter estimation of atmospheric continuous-variable quantum key distribution[J]. Physical Review A, 2019, 99(3): 032326.

[3] Chai G., Cao Z.-W., Liu W.-Q., Zhang M.-H., Liang K.-X., and Peng J.-Y. Novel continuous-variable quantum secure direct communication and its security analysis[J]. Laser Physics Letters, 2019, 16(9): 095207.

[4] Chai G., Liang K.-X., Liu W.-Q., Cao Z.-W., Huang P., and Zeng G.-H. Analysis of atmospheric continuous-variable quantum key distribution with diverse modulations[J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2019, 58(11): 3746-3764.

[5] Chai G., Li D.-W., Cao Z.-W., Zhang M.-H., Huang P., and Zeng G.-H. Blind channel estimation for continuous-variable quantum key distribution[J]. Quantum Engineering, 2020; 2(2): e37. (Highlight 论文)

[6] Chai G., Cao Z.-W., Huang P., and Zeng G.-H. Improvement of atmospheric continuous-variable quantum key distribution with adaptive optics, 9th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (Qcrypt 2019), Montreal, Canada, 2630 August 2019.

[7] 柴庚,曹正文,黄鹏,曾贵华,自由空间连续变量量子密钥分发参数估计研究,中国密码学会 2019 年量子密码学术会议,中国芜湖,2019 7 24 日至 7 26 .

[8] Song D., He C., Cao Z.-W., and Chai G. Quantum teleportation of multiple qubits based on quantum Fourier transform[J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2018, 22(12): 24272430.

[9] Liang K.-X., Cao Z.-W., Liu W.-Q., Wang J.-Y., Chai G., and Zhang T.-Y. Security analysis of continuous-variable quantum key distribution with imperfect Faraday mirror[J]. Laser Physics Letters, 2019, 16(11): 115202.

[10] Cao Z.-W., Song D., Chai G., He C., and Zhao G. Quantum secure direct communication based on four-particle cluster state grouping[J]. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2019, 60: 248254.

[11] Zhang M.-H., Cao Z.-W., Peng J.-Y., and Chai G. Fault tolerant quantum dialogue protocol over a collective noise channel[J]. European Physical Journal D, 2019, 73(3): 57.

[12] Cao Z.-W., Li Y., Peng J.-Y., Chai G., and Zhao G. Controlled quantum secure direct communication protocol based on Huffman compression coding[J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2018, 57(12): 36323642.

[13] Cao Z.-W., Zhang S.-H., Feng X.-Y., Zhao G., Chai G., and Li D.-W. The design and realization of continuous-variable quantum key distribution system based on real-time shot noise variance monitoring[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2017, 66(2): 020301.

[14] Song D., Cao Z.-W., Zhang S.-H., Feng J., Li Yan., and Chai G. A quantum stabilizer code associated with cluster states. 2017 International Conference on the Frontiers and Advances in Data Science (FADS). IEEE, 2017.

Ø 授权(受理)专利

[1] 黄鹏,柴庚,汪超,曾贵华. 基于自由空间 CVQKD 系统的参数估计方法及系统:CN201910314197.9 [P]. 2019-11-22.  

[2] 黄鹏,柴庚,汪超,曾贵华.  自由空间连续变量量子密钥分发方法及系统:中国,CN201910430066.7 [P]. 2019-08-09.

[3] 曹正文,柴庚,曾贵华等.  基于连续变量的两步量子安全直接通信方法:  中国, CN201810308786.1 [P]. 2018-04-09.

[4] 黄鹏,王宇,柴庚,曾贵华.  连续变量量子密钥分发的盲参数估计方法:CN201910791442.5 [P]. 2019-12-31

[5] 曹正文,李艳,彭进业,柴庚.  一种基于五粒子的受控量子安全直接通信方法:中国,CN201810755906.2 [P]. 2018-07-11.

[6] 曹正文,宋丹,彭进业,曾贵华,柴庚.  一种基于 4 粒子簇态的量子密钥分发方法:中国,CN201810641981.6 [P]. 2018-06-21.

[7] 曹正文,张爽浩,彭进业,曾贵华,赵光,柴庚.  一种基于簇态的日字形结构稳定子码的构造方法:中国,CN201610975738.9 [P]. 2019-10-11.

[8] 曹正文,张爽浩,彭进业,曾贵华,杨涛,柴庚.  一种基于图态的环链结构量子稳定子码的构造方法:中国,CN201610403321.5 [P]. 2019-12-31.

Ø 承担科研项目

[1] 565net必赢官方网,研究生自主创新项目,YZZ17175,与测量设备无关的量子密钥分发研究,2017-01至2018-12,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,62071381,双模压缩态量子安全直接通信机制研究,2021-01至2024-12,参与

[3] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,61801385,基于无消相干子空间的可容错量子签名协议研究,2019-01至2021-12,参与

[4] 陕西省科学技术厅,一般项目(面上),2019JM-591,量子导航定位关键技术研究,2019-01至2020-12,参与

[5] 陕西省教育厅,2019年专项科学研究计划(自然科学专项),基于相位噪声的连续变量量子密钥分发系统实际安全性研究,2019-01至2020-12,参与



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