叶贵鑫,565net必赢官方网讲师。ACM、CCF会员,“565net必赢官方网-爱迪德”物联网信息安全联合实验室核心成员,2020年ACM China优博奖(西安)获得者。2018-2019年在英国兰卡斯特大学交流学习。近年来主要围绕软件漏洞检测、身份认证、软件安全开展了广泛的研究。相关代表性成果在PLDI、CCS、NDSS、PACT、TIFS、TOPS、Computer Networks等CCF推荐A、B类会议和期刊上发表。其中,对于文本验证码安全性研究的工作获得了ACM CCS 2018最佳论文提名(排名第四)。相关研究成果受到了英国《泰晤士报》、美国《福布斯》、《新华社》、《光明日报》等国内外主流媒体广泛报道。目前担任TPAMI、TDSC、TPDS、JISA、GLOBECOM等国际期刊与会议审稿人。
Email: gxye@nwu.edu.cn
Address: 565net必赢官方网812室
1. [PLDI’21] Guixin Ye, Zhanyong Tang, Shin Hwei Tan, Dingyi Fang, Xiaoyang Sun, Lizhong Bian, Songfang Huang, Haibo Wang and Zheng Wang. Automated Conformance Testing for JavaScript Engines via Deep Compiler Fuzzing[C]. In Proceedings of the 42th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI). ACM, 2021. (CCF推荐A类会议)
2. [CCS’18] Guixin Ye, Zhanyong Tang, Dingyi Fang, Zhanxing Zhu, Yansong Feng, Pengfei Xu, Xiaojiang Chen, and Zheng Wang. Yet Another Text Captcha Solver: A Generative Adversarial Network based Approach[C]. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS). ACM, 2018: 332-348. (CCF推荐A类会议,最佳论文提名)
3. [NDSS’17] Guixin Ye, Zhanyong Tang, Dingyi Fang, Xiaojiang Chen, Kwang In Kim, Ben Taylor, and Zheng Wang. 2017. Cracking Android pattern lock in five attempts[C]. In Proceedings of The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS). (CCF推荐B类会议)
4. [PACT’20] Guixin Ye, Zhanyong Tang, Huanting Wang, Dingyi Fang, Jianbin Fang, Songfang Huang and Zheng Wang. Deep Program Structure Modeling Through Multi-Relational Graph-based Learning[C]. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT). 2020. (CCF推荐B类会议)
5. [TOPS’20] Guixin Ye, Zhanyong Tang, Dingyi Fang, Xiaojiang Chen, Willy Wolff, Adam J. Aviv and Zheng Wang. A Video-based Attack for Android Pattern Lock[J]. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS), 2018, 21(4): 1-31. (CCF 推荐B类期刊)
6. [TOPS’20] Guixin Ye, Zhanyong Tang, Dingyi Fang, Zhanxing Zhu, Yansong Feng, Pengfei Xu, Xiaojiang Chen, and Zheng Wang. Using Generative Adversarial Networks to Break and Protect Text Captchas[J]. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS). 2020, 23(2):1-29(CCF 推荐B类期刊)
7. [TIFS’20] Huanting Wang, Guixin Ye, Zhanyong Tang, Shin Hwei Tan, Songfang Huang, Dingyi Fang, Yansong Feng, Lizhong Bian and Zheng Wang. Combining Graph-based Learning with Automated Data Collection for Code Vulnerability Detection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS). 2020: 1943-1958 (CCF 推荐A类期刊,共同一作.)
8. [CN’20] Shuangjiao Zhai, Guixin Ye, Zhanyong Tang, Jie Ren, Dingyi Fang, Baoying Liu, and Zheng Wang. Towards Practical 3D Ultrasound Sensing on Commercial-off-the-Shelf Mobile Devices[J]. Computer Networks. 2020, 191: 107990. (CCF 推荐B类期刊,通讯作者)
9. [Computers & Security] Yujie Zhao, Zhanyong Tang, Guixin Ye, Dingyi Fang, Xiaojiang Chen and Zheng Wang. Compile-time Code Virtualization for Android Applications[J]. Computers & Security, 2020:101821(CCF 推荐B类期刊)
10. [Computers & Security] Yujie Zhao, Zhanyong Tang, Guixin Ye, Dongxu Peng, Dingyi Fang, Xiaojiang Chen and Zheng Wang. Semantics-aware obfuscation scheme prediction for binary[J]. Computers & Security, 2020:102072(CCF 推荐B类期刊)
11. [ICPADS’18] Chao Xue, Zhanyong Tang, Guixin Ye, Guanghui Li, Xiaoqing Gong, Wei Wang, Dingyi Fang and Zheng Wang. Exploiting code diversity to enhance code virtualization protection[C]. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS). IEEE, 2018: 620-627. (CCF推荐 C类会议)
12. 汤战勇, 田超雄, 叶贵鑫, 李婧, 王薇, 龚晓庆, 陈晓江, 房鼎益. 一种基于条件生成式对抗网络的文本类验证码识别方法. 计算机学报, 2019, 23(6): 1-18.
1. 数字内容安全评测与综合防护应用研究. 陕西省科学技术二等奖 2019.03(排名第六)
2. ALL-IN-ONE一体化数字内容安全防护综合平台. 陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖,2016.03(排名第八)
1. 面向漏洞检测技术的软件源代码特征表征关键技术研究. 2021KW-04, 陕西省重点研发计划国际合作项目. 2021.01–2022.12 主持
2. 基于大型开源仓库的软件源代码漏洞深度检测与修复方法研究. 61972314, 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2012.01–2023.12 参与
3. 秦巴山食用菌全产业链质量安全数字化可视化HACPP体系设计与实现, 2019YFC1606705-05, 国家重点研发计划, 2019.12 参与
4. 基于大规模开源仓库的代码漏洞扫描与修复方法. 蚂蚁金服安全专项科研基金. 2019.05–2020.04 参与
5. 基于GitHub的软件缺陷自动检测与审计机制研究. 绿盟科技“鲲鹏”安全专项科研基金. 2017.09–2018.08 参与