



许阳,工学博士,讲师,中国计算机学会、中国图象图形学学会专业会员。2014年、2020年于北京航空航天大学分别获学士与博士学位,2020年至今于565net必赢官方网软件工程系任讲师。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目1项、陕西省教育厅一般专项项目(自然科学类)1项,参与国家重点研发计划课题2项、国家自然科学基金重点项目1项、国防科工局技术基础科研项目2项。在计算机图形学、计算机视觉、光学领域的高水平期刊和会议IEEE VREGSRI3DIJCVOptics Express上发表论文11篇。担任期刊Optics ExpressOptics LettersIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasurementIEEE Signal Processing LettersIEEE Computer Graphics and Applications审稿人。










[1] Junbo Zhang, Guohua Geng, Tao Wang, Pengbo Zhou, Kang Li, Yang Xu. A Cultural Relics Display System Based on Augmented Reality[C]//International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR 2023), IEEE, 2023: 408-412.

[2] 耿国华*, 贺小伟, 王美丽, 袁庆曙, 尹国军, 许阳, 潘志庚. 元宇宙下的智慧博物馆研究进展[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 2023, 28(6): 1567-1584.

[3] Yang Xu, Yuanfa Jiang, Shibo Wang, Kang Li, Guohua Geng. Delta Path Tracing for Real-Time Global Illumination in Mixed Reality[C]//IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2023), IEEE, 2023: 44-52.(CCF推荐A类会议)

[4] Yang Xu, Yuanfa Jiang, Chenhao Wang, Kang Li*, Pengbo Zhou, Guohua Geng. Precomputed Discrete Visibility Fields for Real-Time Ray-Traced Environment Lighting[C]//Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR 2022), Eurographics Association, 2022: 81-92.(CCF推荐B类会议)

[5] Yang Xu, Yuanfa Jiang, Junbo Zhang, Kang Li*, Guohua Geng. Real-Time Ray-Traced Soft Shadows of Environmental Lighting by Conical Ray Culling[J]. Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (I3D 2022会议论文集), 2022, 5(1): 1.(CCF推荐B类会议)

[6] Yunfan Wang, Huijie Zhao*, Hongzhi Jiang*, Xudong Li, Yuxi Li, Yang Xu. Paraxial 3D shape measurement using parallel single-pixel imaging[J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(19): 30543-30557.(中科院二区SCI期刊)

[7] Yuxi Li, Hongzhi Jiang*, Huijie Zhao*, Xudong Li, Yunfan Wang, Yang Xu. Compressive parallel single-pixel imaging for efficient 3D shape measurement in the presence of strong interreflections by using a sampling Fourier strategy[J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(16): 25032-25047.(中科院二区SCI期刊)

[8] Hongzhi Jiang, Yongjing Yan, Xudong Li*, Huijie Zhao*, Yuxi Li, Yang Xu. Separation of interreflections based on parallel single-pixel imaging[J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(16): 26150-26164.(中科院二区SCI期刊)

[9] Hongzhi Jiang, Qingyan Yang, Xudong Li*, Huijie Zhao*, Yuxi Li, and Yang Xu. 3D shape measurement in the presence of strong interreflections by using single-pixel imaging in a camera-projector system[J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(3): 3609-3620.(中科院二区SCI期刊)

[10] Hongzhi Jiang#, Yuxi Li#, Huijie Zhao*, Xudong Li, Yang Xu. Parallel Single-Pixel Imaging: A General Method for Direct–Global Separation and 3D Shape Reconstruction Under Strong Global Illumination[J]. International Journal of Computer Vision, 2021, 129: 1060-1086.CCF推荐A类期刊)

[11] 赵慧洁, 姜宏志, 李旭东, 许阳, 李宇曦. 精密制造中复杂反光表面三维测量技术[J]. 航空精密制造技术, 2020, 56(4): 1-6.

[12] Hongzhi Jiang, Huanjie Zhai, Yang Xu*, Xudong Li, Huijie Zhao. 3D shape measurement of translucent objects based on Fourier single-pixel imaging in projector-camera system[J]. Optics Express, 2019, 27(23): 33564-33574.(中科院二区SCI期刊)

[13] Yang Xu, Huijie Zhao, Hongzhi Jiang*, Yunfan Wang, Xudong Li. 3D shape measurement in the presence interreflections by light stripe triangulation with additional geometric constraints[C]//Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XI. SPIE, 2019: 110563N.

[14] Hongzhi Jiang*, Yu Wang, Huijie Zhao, Xudong Li, Yang Xu, Yuxi Li, Yunfan Wang. Spatially-varying blur kernel measurement based on discrete cosine transform single-pixel imaging[C]//Digital Optical Technologies 2019, SPIE, 2019: 110621D.

[15] Yang Xu, Huijie Zhao*, Hongzhi Jiang*, Xudong Li. High-accuracy 3D shape measurement of translucent objects by fringe projection profilometry[J]. Optics Express, 2019, 27(13): 18421-18434.(中科院二区SCI期刊)

[16] Huijie Zhao, Yang Xu, Hongzhi Jiang*, Xiaochun Diao, Chenghao Liu, Mingyi Xing. Real-time 3D shape measurement by fringe projection and GPU parallel computing[C]//International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation (ISPEMI 2018). SPIE, 2019: 110530Q.

[17] Huijie Zhao, Mingyi Xing, Hongzhi Jiang*, Yang Xu, Xiaochun Diao, Chenghao Liu. A new non-contact coordinate measuring machine equipped with light-duty optical probe based on fringe projection profilometry[C]//International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation (ISPEMI 2018). SPIE, 2019: 110530R.

[18] Huijie Zhao, Yang Xu, Hongzhi Jiang *, Xudong Li. 3D shape measurement in the presence of strong interreflections by epipolar imaging and regional fringe projection[J]. Optics Express, 2018, 26(6): 7117-7131.(中科院二区SCI期刊)

[19] Huijie Zhao, Zhen Wang, Hongzhi Jiang*, Yang Xu, Chao Dong. Calibration for stereo vision system based on phase matching and bundle adjustment algorithm[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015, 68: 203-213.(中科院二区SCI期刊)

[20] Huijie Zhao*, Zhen Wang, Hongzhi Jiang, Yang Xu, Peijun Lv, Yunchun Sun. A method of multi-view intraoral 3D measurement[C]//International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE 2014). SPIE, 2015: 94493F.




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