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Jinping Niu, Yiyao Wang, Xiangwei Zhou. Joint Resource Allocation and Passive Beamforming in RIS-aided HetNets with Wireless Backhaul, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023.

Jinping Niu, Li Zhang, Yiyao Wang, Xiangwei Zhou, Jinsong Chen. Towards Zero Blind-Zone Backscatter Communications: Real-Time System Design, Implementation, and Experimental Evaluation, IEEE Wireless Communications.

Jinping Niu, Daewon Lee, Xiaofeng Ren, Geoffrey Ye Li, Tao Su. Scheduling Exploiting Frequency and Multi-User Diversity in LTE Downlink Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 12(4): 1843 -1849, 2013.

Jinping Niu, Daewon Lee, Tao Su, Geoffrey Ye Li, Xiaofeng Ren. User Classification and Scheduling in LTE Downlink Systems with Heterogeneous User Mobilities. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 12(12): 6205-6213, 2013.

Geoffrey Ye Li, Jinping Niu, Daewon Lee, Jiancun Fan, Yusun Fu. Multi-Cell Coordinated Scheduling and MIMO in LTE. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2014, 16(2): 761-775.

Qingming Sun (研究生), Jinping Niu, Xiangwei Zhou, Ting Jin, Yanyan Li. AoI and Data Rate Optimization in Aerial IRS-Assisted IoT Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024,11(4): 6481-6493.

Yiyao Wang (研究生), Jinping Niu , Gaojie Chen, Xiangwei Zhou, Yanyan Li. RIS-Aided Latency-Efficient MEC HetNet with Wireless Backhaul, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

Yi Guo (研究生), Jinping Niu, Xiangwei Zhou, Tao Gu, Yanyan Li, Dingyi Fang. Power-Efficient Transmissions in LoRa Uplink Systems,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

Jinping Niu, Geoffrey Y. Li, Xiaojiang Chen, Jie Zheng, Dingyi Fang, and Xun Li. Resource Allocation in Reverse TDD Wireless Backhaul HetNets with 3D Massive Antennas. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2018, 7(1), 30-33.

Jinping Niu, Tao Su,Geoffrey Ye Li,Daewon Lee,and Yusun Fu. Joint Transmission Mode Selection and Scheduling in LTE Downlink MIMO Systems,IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,2014,3(2):173-176.

牛进平,苏涛. 一种适用于SC-FDMA多小区系统的协作调度和功率控制算法,电子与信息学报,2015,37(2):411-416.


牛进平、马跃等. 一种异构网络中联合3D波束赋形方法

牛进平、张李等. 一种LoRa上行系统中分布式MU-MIMO信道估计方法及传输方法

牛进平、马跃等. 一种基于 Wi-Fi 网卡的近距离多用户隐蔽通信方法及系统

牛进平、杨香等. 一种LoRa上行系统中节能的自适应虚拟MIMO传输方法

牛进平、郭艺等. 基于LoRa上行传输系统的高能效资源分配方法





异构网络中基于 3D MIMO 的垂直扇区化方法研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,主持

5G FDD系统中面向有限信道状态信息的数据传输方案研究,陕西省重点研发计划项目,主持




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